what is ghost story?
This summer, I wrote and directed a web series pilot called "Ghost Story." It follows three millennials who must haunt out their neighbors to get another shot at life. Our heroes are odd, annoying, and honestly pretty selfish, but I think the story's fun, funny, and that you'll really like watching it. Big picture, Ghost Story is about karma, gentrification, the afterlife, our responsibilities to each other, and ghosts, which are quite honestly my favorite things to think about. If you want to think about them together, hit me up and we'll grab a spooky coffee.
Who's Involved?
We made Ghost Story with an incredibly talented team of actors, cinematographers, and producers, folks with credits on The Americans, Law and Order: SVU, Search Party, and more. Everyone involved worked really hard and I'm so lucky I got to create with them. Folks contributed their time, equipment, or both, and, as a result, we achieved a very high production value on a very low budget.
The budget
We're now editing, with a plan to premiere in mid-October. But, before we get there, we need to raise funds to cover costs. So, I'm asking you to contribute! See, filming is expensive. You have to pay for equipment, food, props, transportation, and, in our case, one finicky drone. I'm linking to the budget below, so you can comb through and make comments like "oo, how frugal!" and "why did they buy name-brand dish soap?"
How to Donate
If you'd like to contribute even five cents to Ghost Story, you can:
1. Venmo @yotam-tubul
2. PayPal yotam.tubul@gmail.com and select "gift."
3. Write a check to Yotam Tubul, 1254 Union St. #3F, Brooklyn, NY 11225
4. Send me an email and we'll figure it out.
My goal is to raise $2,054.
In short, thank you very much for supporting this project. Telling weird stories and directing scripted comedies are my absolute favorite things to do, and I'm really grateful for your help in enabling me to bring these ghosts to life (death).